Spiolino - Website
Web portal
Spiolino is a website created and guided by media pedagogues. Children between 8 and 11 years old will find here entertainment and information and can take safely their first steps into media.
No longer online.
Concept Richard Lutterbeck, Matthias Bruhn, Petra Wonsowitz
Coproducers TrickStudio Lutterbeck GmbH, DigiVision Werner Grafenhain
Design Matthias Bruhn, Felix Herzog
Year of production 2001
GIGA-MAUS 2001 Eltern for family, 2001
Webseite des Jahres Yahoo, Offers for children, 2002
Kids Award 2002 Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk, 2002
GIGA-MAUS 2003 Eltern for family und Hewlett Packard, 2003