
Our productions have enjoyed success all over the world. Over the last 30 years we have won more than 100 awards, nationally & internationally.

Fritzi & Sophie - Boundless friendship

Goldener Spatz - Cinema TV- Category: Animation series Goldener Spatz 2024, Erfurt, Germany

The Siren

Opening Film Panorama 73rd Berlinale, Germany, 2023

Best Original Music in a Feature Film Annecy Festival, France, 2023

Best Film Umbrien Film Festival, Italy, 2023

Jury Prize International Competition BIAF, Korea, 2023

Special Award BIAF, Korea, 2023

Best Animated Film APSA, Australia, 2023

Rating Particularly Valuable FBW, Germany, 2023

Recommendation FBW Youth Film Jury FBW, Germany, 2023

SIYAD Award Turkish Film Critics Association, Turkey, 2023

FRITZI – a revolutionary tale

“Best Film” & “Best Story” Smile International Film Festival for Children and Youth (SIFFCY), India, 2022

Freya-Stephan-Kühn-Award 2020/21 Federal Union North Rhine-Westphalia History Teachers e.V., Germany, 2021

Best Feature TIFF JUNIOR, Norway, 2021

ARD-TV-Channel-Award 2021 ARD, Germany, 2021

Schools Award for Best Film 5th IndieJunior Aliianz IFF, Portugal, 2021

57. Grimme-Award 2021 - Nomination Grimme-Institut, Germany, 2021

Special honorable mention - Jury of Educators Ale Kino!, Poland, 2020

Kindertiger - Best Screenplay Vision Kino / KiKA, Germany, 2020

Best International Children’s film 25. La Matatena, Mexico, 2020

Special Young Jury Award 33. ICFF, Iran, 2020

CIFEJ Special Award 33. ICFF, Iran, 2020

European Children’s Film Association Fern Flower Award ECFA, Belgium, 2020

“Award of MDR Broadcast Council” - Best Screenplay Goldener Spatz, Germany, 2020

Special Award “Finding myself Feature” 15th BIKY, South Korea, 2020

Seal of Smoke-free 2020 Society for Non-smoking, Germany, 2020

Nomination Best Children’s Film LOLA, German Film Academy, Germany, 2020

Best Children’s Film German film critics award 2019, Germany, 2020

Best animated Feature 12. Juniorfest, Czech Republic, 2019

Best Animation Filem’on, Belgium, 2019

The goldene luce 26. Kinolino Filmfestival Dresden, Germany, 2019

Seal of approval: „Highly Recommended“ Deutsche Film- und Medienbewertung Wiesbaden, Germany, 2019

German Screenplay Award 18. Internationales Trickfilm Festival Stuttgart, Germany, 2011

Molly Monster - The Movie

Seal of approval: highly recommended Deutsche Film- und Medienbewertung Wiesbaden, Germany, 2016

Audience award Little Big Films # 3, Deutschland, 2016

Golden Goblet for best Animation 19. Shanghai International Film Festival, China, 2016

2nd best International Feature Animation 20th The golden Elephant ICFF India, India, 2017

Wash your fins

EduComenius Seal Society for Pedagogics, Information and Media e. V. (GPI), 2020, Germany

Corona Special Award Society for Pedagogics, Information and Media e. V. (GPI), 2020, Germany

The story of the fox who lost his mind

Seal of approval: highly recommended Deutsche Film- und Medienbewertung Wiesbaden, Germany, 2015

Best Film for Children 10. TOFUZI Festival, Georgia, 2016

The invisible disease

Film- und Fernsehpreises des Hartmannbundes 2019 Hartmannbund, Germany, 2019

DGPPN Medienpreis für Wissenschaftsjournalismus 2019 DGPPN Germany, 2019

4. Deutscher Medienpreis Depressionshilfe Stiftung Deutsche Depressionshilfe, Germany, 2019

The Parasite Party

Annual webandapp Awards 2017 2016, Germany

International Marketing Campaign Award VMA Awards Winners 2016, 2017

Molly Monster

Adult Jury Prize – Animated Television Production: 1st prize CICFF, USA, 2012

Scritch Scratch

Magnolia Award: Best Animation (short) 18th Shanghai TV Festival, China, 2012

The show with the Elephant

Gold Camera Educational: Pre-School / Kindergarten US International Film & Video Festival, USA, 2008

Goldener Spatz: Best Pre-School Program Goldener Spatz, Gera, Germany, 2008

Goldener Spatz: Best Pre-School Program Goldener Spatz, Gera, Germany, 2009

Goldener Spatz: Entertainment Goldener Spatz, Gera, Germany, 2009

„Kinderoskar“ Bremer Kindertag, Bremen, Germany, 2010

Prix Jeunesse International: 2nd Award, Up to 6 Non-Fiction Prix Jeunesse International, Munich, Germany, 2010

Best Production Award: Best Pre-School Program Japan Award, Japan, 2010

Bronze World Medal: Children’s / Youth Program New York Festivals, USA, 2010

One of 5 best Children´s Programs (+2) Banff World Television Festival, Canada

Best Short – Foreign Mixed Media 17th Annual International Family Film Festival 2011, Hollywood, USA

Goldener Spatz: Entertainment Goldener Spatz 2011, Gera, Germany

Goldener Spatz: Information/Documentation Goldener Spatz 2012, Gera, Germany

Robert Geisendörfer Preis 2015, Germany

Emil - TV Spielfilm 2016, Germany

Duck, Death and the Tulip

Seal of approval: „Highly recommended“ Deutsche Film- und Medienbewertung Wiesbaden, Germany, 2010

Short Film of the Month Deutsche Film- und Medienbewertung Wiesbaden, Germany, 2010

Animation Film Award 15th Schlingel, International Film Festival for Children and Young Audience, Chemnitz, Germany, 2010

Special mention International Jury 5th ANIMEST, Bucharest International Animation Festival, Romania, 2010

Best Film from 10 to 25 Minutes Golden Kuker International Animation Film Festival, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2010

Best Children’s Film 2010 29th Uppsala International Short Film Festival, Children´s Film Festival, Sweden

2011 Silver World Medal: Children’s / Youth Program New York Festivals, USA, 2011

F.W. Murnau Shortfilm Award Friedrich-Wilhelm-Murnau Stiftung, Wiesbaden, Germany, 2011

Tricks for Kids: Best Children’s Film Festival of animated Film Stuttgart, Germany, 2011

Friese-Award 13th Mo&Friese Children’s Short Film Festival, Hamburg, Germany, 2011

Audience Award: Best Animation Film 18th Open Eyes Filmfest Marburg, Germany, 2011

Animation Award 5th Big Cartoon Festival, Moscow, Russia, 2011

Molly and the Christmas Monster

Seal of approval: „Recommended” Deutsche Film- und Medienbewertung Wiesbaden, Germany, 2011

Die Seite mit dem Elefanten

Erfurter Netcode Erfurter Netcode e.V., 2011

digita 2014 German Education Media Award, Deutschland, 2014


Beste Corporate Design on air, off air und online Eyes & Ears of Europe-Award, 2010

Erfurter Netcode Erfurter Netcode e.V., Erfurt, Germany, 2011


Special Mention 58th Berlin International Film Festival 2008, Generation / Kplus, Germany

Shortfilm of the month Deutsche Film- und Medienbewertung Wiesbaden, Germany, 2008

Seal of approval: „Recommended“ Deutsche Film- und Medienbewertung Wiesbaden, Germany, 2008

Audience Award 3rd Gothaer Night of Films, Germany, 2008

Winner of the Short Films Competition for Children Montone Umbria Film Festival, Italy, 2008

Camério Meilleur Animation Office National du Film du Canada, 26th Festival (Carrousel) International de Cinéma Jeunesse de Rimouski, Canada, 2008

The International Grand Prix 6th International Animated Film Festival Tindirindis, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2008

Golden Slipper: Best Animated Film 49th International Film Festival for Children and Youth, Zlín, Czech Republic, 2009

Best International Short 4th Sardinia Film Festival, Italy, 2009

Best Animation Prize 11th Festival Internazionale del Cinema d´Animazione e Fumetti di Dervio, Italy, 2009

Special Jury Mention 7th In The Palace International Short Film Festival, Balchik, Bulgaria, 2009

Best Short Animation Award 6th ANONIMUL International Independent Film Festival, Danube Delta, Romania, 2009

Jury Award 9th Shortmoves International Short Film Festival, Halle / Saale, Germany 2009

Audience Award 4th ANIMEST International Animated Film Festival, Bucharest, Romania, 2009 Special Mention and

Audience Award 2nd International Animated Film Festival Banjaluka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2009

Audience Award: Best Animation 3rd Big Cartoon Festival 2009, Moscow, Russia

The K Prize from Kids Jury and

Special Mention from Adults Jury 12th FesticineKids Cartagena 2010, Columbia

The big question

Certificate for Creative Excellence International Film and Videofestival, Los Angeles, USA

Honorable mention 23rd Robert Geisendörfer Award for radio and TV productions, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2006

Highest award of the children´s jury 25th International Young Audience, Film Festival ALE KINO, Poland, 2007

Die Seite mit der Maus

Prix Jeunesse International Best Website Prix Jeunesse International, Munich, Germany, 2002

Webspatz 2003 Goldener Spatz, Gera, Germany

Nomination Grimme Online Award Marl, Germany, 2002

The fourth King

Seal of approval: „Highly recommended“ Deutsche Film- und Medienbewertung Wiesbaden, Germany, 2005

Best TV Program Animadrid, Madrid, Spain, 2006

Bestes Vorschulprogramm Goldener Spatz, Gera, Germany, 2007

Schweizer Kinder- und Jugendmedienpreis Switzerland, 2007

Dusty the mighty mite

F.W. Murnau Shortfilm Award Friedrich-Wilhelm-Murnau-Stiftung, Germany, 2004

Mary's little donkey

Seal of approval: „Highly recommended“ Deutsche Film- und Medienbewertung Wiesbaden, Germany, 2004

Big Cat, Little Cat

Seal of approval: Recommended Deutsche Film- und Medienbewertung Wiesbaden, Germany, 2000

Award for Best Film Music Washington DC International Childrens Film Festival, USA, 2000

1st Award Tokyo Childrens Film Festival, Japan, 2000

Nomination for PRIX JEUNESSE Prix Jeunesse International, Munich, Germany, 2002

The stone that grew up with carrots

Seal of approval: „Highly recommended” Deutsche Film- und Medienbewertung Wiesbaden, Germany, 2001

3rd Award “Mecon New Talent Award” Cologne, Germany, 2001

Short Trip Award TV NRW, Germany, 2003

Spiolino - Website

GIGA-MAUS 2001 Eltern for family, 2001

Webseite des Jahres Yahoo, Offers for children, 2002

Kids Award 2002 Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk, 2002

GIGA-MAUS 2003 Eltern for family und Hewlett Packard, 2003

Free falling

Best Commercial Cinanima 96, Portugal


Seal of approval: “Recommended” Deutsche Film- und Medienbewertung Wiesbaden, Germany, 1993